Brennan Pic

Washington State Paid Family Medical Leave Update

Washington State will offer paid family and medical leave benefits starting in 2020.

Last fall we hosted a webinar helping educate employers about this new mandated benefit and steps all businesses could take to prepare for employees using Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) starting in 2020. At that time, there were a lot of details of the program that were still being defined.

Now, as we wrap up the year and head into 2020, we are pleased to welcome a speaker from Washington State’s Employment Security Department (ESD) to share the most current details of PFML and answer your questions as we prepare for employees to start using this benefit. …

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How to Think Like an Attorney: Practical Tips for Assessing Risk & Reward

The practical application of that law, understanding downstream consequences and the ability to weigh risks and rewards is what “thinking like an attorney” is all about and a valuable skill in any leader’s toolkit.

In this session, Michelle Bomberger, CEO and Managing Attorney with Equinox Business Law Group, will break down how to think like an attorney when facing complex issues in business, particularly employment related matters.

You will learn:
•What to do when the law is unclear
•How to weigh risk and reward when faced with multiple options, especially when all of your options are bad.
•How to mitigate unintended consequences
•Questions to ask when you do call the attorney and they tell you “it depends…” …

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Jodi Slavik

Navigating the Murky Waters of Mental Health Accommodation

Gun violence, suicide, and bomb threats, while stark in nature, often start with subtle, erratic behavior that is difficult to understand and even more difficult to address.  These challenges are amplified at work, where employers have a duty to protect employees, but to also avoid discrimination. This leaves HR in murky waters, determining whether employee behavior is a disability flag, and how to respond when the disability is hidden, nebulous, or unbelievable.

This presentation will jump feet-first into the grey area of mental health accommodation, using real case-studies to address the nuances of notice, interaction, and effective resolution.  …

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Aaron Goldstein, Partner at Dorsey & Whitney LLP

Legal Issues and Tips for Implementing Flexible Work Arrangements

Flexible work arrangements are becoming more commonplace as the realities of a global workforce and technological capabilities combine to make this a very viable and sometimes necessary arrangement.  But just because you can doesn’t mean you should?  Before you jump into flexible work arrangements, there are many legal and practical issues to consider. …

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Meier K

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: How to Handle Harassment Claims in Your Company

With sexual harassment claims on the rise, it is important for you to be prepared to address claims in your workplace.

In this presentation, you will learn; practical steps to make sure you know whether your insurance policies cover sexual harassment claims, what policies you need to effectively address these claims, and how to create a plan to address sexual harassment claims.

Kristin will also walk you through the necessary steps of investigating a sexual harassment claim to minimize your risk. …

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Conducting Workplace HR Investigations

If you are like most employers, you have a strong anti-harassment policy with some form of diversity training, both of which are designed to reduce or eliminate claims of harassment and discrimination in your workplace. The strength of an employer’s defense comes from its complaint resolution process and the effectiveness of its internal investigations into the complaints it receives. Being able to recognize a complaint that warrants an investigation is critical, as is the ability to investigate complaints in a timely, effective and meaningful manner.

You don’t have to be Columbo, Inspector Clouseau, or a private investigator to investigate, but there are certain things you need to know to investigate correctly. Join us for this informative discussion and learn how to address and investigate complaints of harassment. …

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aaron goldstein

How to Handle Employee Terminations: Best Practices and Lessons from the Trenches

Getting employee terminations right can make the difference between maintaining a healthy work environment for your employees and an expensive lawsuit.
In this month’s webinar, we will help companies identify high-risk terminations and provide practical advice on how to the handle them.  Being prepared for such tricky terminations can help companies either avoid litigation or prevail, should an employee file suit. …

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Can My Employee Do That/Say That? Tips for preventing harassment claims in the workplace

What one employee thinks is nothing more than fun, joking, harmless behavior in the workplace, another employee may find offensive. Employers are at risk of lawsuits claiming harassment unless they take immediate action to address behavior that the reasonable person finds unwelcome and offensive. This webinar will address the fundamentals of a harassment claim, what is and is not appropriate behavior in the workplace, and ways HR professionals should address concerns of harassment that are raised by employees …

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